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Universities and other large organisations can find it difficult to get staff together for training, particularly when colleagues are in different locations or work to different schedules. 


Staff members themselves can also find it difficult to free up the time to attend half- or full-day training events, even on important topics such as 'managing distressed students'. 


This is where our bespoke podcasts come in.

We have partnered with a recording studio in the North-East  to produce bespoke training podcasts for clients looking for a way to deliver training to large numbers of people.


We record podcasts using a conversational style, with the aim being to convey key messages - for example, about how to support students - in a format and style that staff find accessible and can listen to at any time.


For a one-off production and editing fee, our podcasts are made available, in perpetuity, to be shared with staff - making this a cost-effective training solution. 


We can produce podcasts on a wide range of topics related to working with students, student mental health, staff wellbeing, and personal tutoring. 


Examples of topics for podcasts include: ‘The boundaries of the personal tutor role’, ‘Managing distressed students’, ‘Minimising our own stress as staff members’, 'Experiencing change', ‘How to manage student confidentiality’, and “When a student discloses a higher level of risk’. 


Podcasts can also be a great way to generate more interest in attending forthcoming face-to-face training sessions by giving people a taster of the training.


We always work closely with clients to reflect your own organisation's policies, procedures and terminology into each podcast.​

If you would like us to keep in touch with you occasionally – around once a month – about our training events, webinars and other services, provide your email address here

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