Effective Management of a Student Death - Policy & Practice: a one-day, in-person training event
Thursday 24 August 2023 at 8:30:00 UTC
This one-day course sets out a practical model for coordinating a university’s response to a student death - from the initial notification, through to liaising with the student's family, supporting students and staff, and understanding the reviews and inquests that can follow.
Time and location
24 August 2023, 09:30–16:30
About this event
This event is now closed for new bookings. Please contact us directly if you would like to enquire about availability, or visit our Upcoming Events page to see other events. You can also be kept informed about our latest events by subscribing for updates.
What are a university’s responsibilities following the death of a student? What type of response needs to happen over the first 24 to 48 hours? How should a family provide effective support to a bereaved family in the days and weeks ahead? How should the university manage internal and external communications about the death, and support the students and staff who knew the student who has died? What types of legal inquest can follow on from a student death and how might a university be involved in these?
This full day, in-person training event will explore these issues, starting with a discussion about the role and responsibilities of a university in these circumstances. Based on our experience of what works well in higher education, we will propose a practical model for coordinating a university’s response to a student death, bearing in mind the very different circumstances of each individual death. We will then follow this through into how a university can best support a bereaved family, and the complexities that often arise when it is an international student who has died.
We will explore the kinds of internal or external 'lessons learned' reviews which can be helpful for universities to carry out, as well as exploring the types of inquest that can follow on from a student death – for example, led by a coroner in England and Wales, or the Scottish Fatalities Investigation Unit – and what these can mean for universities.
We will end the day by reflecting on how best practice should be captured within an effective university policy and set of procedures on responding to a student death. Student deathcases can be some of the most complex student casesthat a university has to manage and it is key that universities have clear and effective procedures in place - to help containthe inevitable anxiety, and minimise any unnecessary confusion, following a student death.
This event takes place in-person, providing the opportunity to explore practical skills with others. It is delivered over the course of one day, with a sit-down lunch in the venue restaurant and refreshments provided.
Who is this event for?
This event is relevant for all university managers and practitioners who are involved in helping to share or implement a university's response to a student death.
This includes:
- Senior managers responsible for student matters, such University Secretary or Pro-Vice Chancellor for Students
- Heads of Student Services
- Welfare Managers or senior welfare practitioners
- Incident Managers
- Colleagues working in governance or risk management
- Coordinating Chaplains
- Faculty Registrars/School Managers
- Policy Mangers responsible for student-related policies
- Anyone else involved in coordinating a response to a student death.
While this training is aimed at higher education, colleagues in further education or other similar settings, such as student accommodation providers, will also find the content very relevant to their settings.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this event, participants will:
- Be familiar with the roles and responsibilities of a university following the death of a student in key practical areas including supporting the student's family, supporting students and staff, and managing internal and external communications about the death,
- Understand a clear, practical model for coordinating a university’s response to a student death,
- Know what kind of policies and procedural documents will help things to run as smoothly as possible in these complex cases,
- Understand the role of a coroner (in England and Wales) or the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (in Scotland) in these cases, and how universities can be involved in, or impacted by, their work.
Who is delivering this event?
The trainer is Levi Pay, Principal Consultant and Director at Plinth House. Levi is an experienced director of student support services, and has previously led service portfolios at King’s College London, Northumbria University and the University of Leeds. His experience includes management of serious welfare incidents, safeguarding, mental health support and equality issues. More information regarding Levi’s experience is available in the About Us section of this website.
Single delegate - £295 + VAT
Early bird discount (15%) available for bookings made by 30th June - £250 + VAT