The world of charters, pledges and commitments in UK universities and higher education
Updates & Insights
Mental Health First Aid and higher education: why does it so often fail to hit the spot in universities?
Working and thriving in HE: our contribution to a conversation in the Alkhemy podcast
Help for colleagues who cannot secure funding or otherwise meet the costs of our events
Fitness to Study: What does it mean? How do we get it right?
Taking time to reflect on our own wellbeing: our 'Looking after yourself' Practice Pitstop event
Your views on serious incident reviews following a student death
Are HEIs being steered in the right direction with serious incident reviews?
Student death cases – two free practical resources for universities
Briefing Note: Defining Safeguarding in Higher Education
Ready-To-Run Training: a new easy way to book our live online training delivery
Are HEIs complying with their legal duty to refer individuals to the DBS?
Webinar training: Association of University Administrators (AUA)
Podcast production: Swansea University
Service transformation: University of Wolverhampton
Strategy development: King's College London
Train the trainer: Falmouth & Exeter Universities
Staff training: Student Roost
Team development: Pearson
Space design: King's College London
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